Restaurants: It's Not About the Food
Saturday breakfast/ Sunday coffee Week day breakfast Dining out with friends is more work than it used to be, but a large part of the life Earl and I enjoy. My winnie walker*, although less stable than more conventional walkers, is collapsible and more conducive to entering crowded restaurants. But Skeeter, a motorized scooter with a small footprint, allows me into bars and restaurants as well, with some critical advantages. I don't have to transfer to their chair, don't wobble, scare other patrons, and can have wine with dinner without worrying. Since most restaurants have ADA–restrooms, I can generally manuever. Life is good, providing I've accurately differentiated a "skeeter–restaurant" from a "winnie–restaurant", Winnie allows me to meet friends for breakfast at the "winnie–restaurants". I feel confident that if the inevitable fall happens, I may be embarrassed, but there is help at hand. Our 'Breakfast Club...