My Wheels Are Falling Off
As ataxian, I'm commonly sporting some lump, bruise or something.* Fortunately, the evidence of a mishap is often on my ass or some body part that's covered and doesn't elicit inquiry. The mark is usually from a fall, but not always. Once upon a time, I could brush it off, not feel it, or heal quickly. These days, it takes so freakin' long to recover from an RRE (repair requiring event) and it's so unattractive . Ugh! It seems as if it doesn't take much to get a "senior stamp" or two. Sometimes I know, but often I have no clue how I got the bruise–it just appears. W hen bruising is visible, I can just say "My husband hit me." No one who knows Earl gives that any credibility, but they figure that's the story, she's sticking to it, and they let the question drop. @!#% happens I've often said, and truly believe, it’s always something. Whether it's ataxia, cancer, heart disease, pain, aging, job change, they ha...