Hi, I'm Tammy and I'm a Tech Gadget Addict
I never thought I'd be 'that kind of person', but I am. Early technology adopter can be a nicer term than junkie ...what ever . I've made no apologies for loving my smart phone and have modified some persistent anti-social habits (I'm more likely to silence my customized phone sounds). Still my 'tech gadgets' have helped me cope with the progressing deficits that accompany my ataxia. Now, they enable me to be rude and distracted as well as disabled. Apple watch I had considered the wearable smart watch attractive, but redundant, unnecessary, and the start of a 'slippery slope'. As I thought more about it however, the concept of unnecessary never stopped me before and I started down that slope a long time ago. In an effort to justify a change in attitude, I considered the ways a smart watch would enhance safety for a person with disabilities. I wouldn't be tethered to my phone, checking whenever a text or email came in. I ...