Affairs in Order
Some may view this life task as morbid. For me (and consequently, Earl) it's just housekeeping and organization. Spoiler alert: We're all going to die sometime. I figured that if I can discuss depression*, leaky bladders** and suicide***, I can certainly talk about end – of – life issues. I appreciate that, to some people, such decisions are personal and private. But, that never stopped me from blogging before. Earl and I wanted to minimize the hassles falling to a surviving spouse or children at a difficult time. Nothing would be worse than to have them wondering, "What would mom and dad want?" Instead, our children encouraged us (or rather me) to stop blabbing about it already. POLSTs everywhere... To that end, Earl and I updated our wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and Oregon's POLST ( P hysician's O rders for L ife– S ustaining T reatment) . The POLST forms needed to be signed by our healthcare...