Family Vacation 2017–The waters of Central Oregon
As has become our favorite vacation spot*, Caldera Springs beckoned again. In truth, Central Oregon provides the best chance of good weather and offers the most options for children and adults. Because of the big reunion in Canada** last year, we didn't go to the area and everyone missed it. So this year, back we went with some changes. I had feared they would get bored with family vacations, but no. Or if they were, they kept it to themselves. CS has something foreveryone The last time we were here, we saw indications that indeed the kids were maturing. This year, they were in full blown 'independent' mode. At least twice a day, they went off on a cousins bike ride—no adults allowed. They could ride to the pool alone and that became a new custom. Actually, it was kind of fun watching them participate in an activity that didn't need chaperoning. But, since adults weren't invited, we have no photos of that momento...