Hip, hip hooray!
Earl and I had to face it. We were in the seventyish–ish group when our parts start complaining *. Having Ataxia for a while, I had become accustomed to dealing with 'body malfunctions'. Not that I always take things in stride, but I usually accept a certain level of inevitability. When Earl began having pain in his hip, it was a totally new experience to him. As the progressive discomfort started impinging on a lifelong active lifestyle, he was open to a corrective intervention. X–rays predictably confirmed that one hip needed replacement surgery. Anticipated, but somewhat complicated by his caregiving responsibilities. He was going to be temporarily out of commission and not available to me. Of course, it is all about me. In and out 14 hours Fortunately, he had surgery and went home later that day. Jason was the designated caregiver. Where was I? Granted, having a disability and bei...