What happens in Tucson...

In March, I rented a 4-wheeled scooter in Tucson for our annual girls' trip and enjoyed the ability to join my friends most anywhere as opposed to not going or being parked.  I can accompany casual and aggressive walkers, but not runners.  Top speed on a scooter is about 4.5 MPH.
My friend Pam took me on a tour of the University of Arizona campus.  We went to a museum photographic exhibit and had my first “scooter adventure”.  No, it wasn’t in the museum.  Before leaving, I thought it was prudent to use the bathroom.  By that time, I was completely confident in my tight quarter manuevering.  so much so that I wanted to try washing my hands at the sink instead of using hand sanitizer.  So I scooted up to the sink a bit too fast.  I think Pam used the word “rammed”.  Yep, I wedged the scooter tiller under the sink.
“Pam, I’m stuck!’
“What do you mean you’re stuck?”
“I mean I can’t move.  If I stand up, can you pull?”  I did, she did, but the scooter wouldn’t budge.  I was grateful to be alone in the bathroom and praying that we wouldn’t have to call for help and be mechanically extracted.
Then we remembered the tiller can be dropped (duh).  We did, scooted out fast, and didn’t look back.


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