We're baa-ack

The new battery has the original zip, I've gone up my most common hills and, thankfully, I haven't had to call for help.  Today was a beautiful Fall day, and well could be one of the last before the serious rain comes.  I was able to see my friends and assure them of my well-being.  I just needed to get my scooting confidence back, so I made a run down to Lake Oswego, bought picture hanging paraphernalia at Rite Aid and scooted home.  A trip to Home Depot is next, but I'll wait until Earl's home, in case.

Pollyanna Alert!  I never realized how much I enjoy outdoor smells--grass (lawn grass), impending rain, wood fires, pine trees.  I think that is one of the biggest losses to the housebound person.  Not to say that someone has to get out.  I think back to the days before my mother's death, I thought she needed and wanted to be outside--she didn't.  When I insisted, she'd humor me, ignore my patronizing, and go--but she really didn't want to.


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