It's Almost Autumn–again

View from the 'Hood' (pardon the pun).
All the photos were taken 10/16/2014, either on our street or one street over.
Autumn is coming!  I love that transition time from Summer to Fall.  The leaves begin to turn, but you still get the colors of both seasons.  The floral abundance declines, sharing the stage with rock wall plantings.  I can just see more of everything (mountains, clouds, neighboring houses) when the summer foliage thins.  Fall comes with brisk temperatures and fresh-smelling air, but it's also potentionally hazardous for Skeeter and me.  I was scooting along at the tail end of our glorious summer, when I heard a horrendous sound coming from under Skeeter.  No, not that kind of sound.  Besides, being inanimate, she can't do that.  I had run over a tree branch, which then got wedged in the wheels.  Fortunately not too wedged, so I was able to extract the branch and continue on.  However, it was a reminder that this is the time of the year when leaves and sticks cover the road. Not that I adhere to, "Scoot while the scooting is good" (it is the Northwest, after all).  I just try to be careful what I run over or through during the fall and winter months*.

The leaves fall, the rains come**.  I encounter at least two new hazards–vanishing sidewalks and slick roads.  Autumn is one of the prettiest seasons and it's so invigorating to be outside.  However, when the fallen leaves obscure the unevenness, sidewalk cracks, and the pavement edge, I am at risk for running off the sidewalk. It's happened.  Granted, I wasn't paying attention when I took a corner too sharply.  There was no injury, but it's still embarrassing to have to pick yourself out of the mud.

So far, Skeeter's brakes have worked on the downhills, but it's clearly more strain on the motor to control the speed.  A mobility scooter performs a mechanical evaluation of the terrain and slows down automatically–I think.  Anyway, it did last year.  I don't mean to sound cavalier.  I do wear a helmet and I'm a lot safer sitting on Skeeter than using a walker.  Actually, I'm safer inside sitting on a desk chair, but that's no fun.

*Previous post: A Winters Tale 
 **Previous post:  The Rain Canopy

 The lesson:  Yes, Autumn is beautiful, but watch where you're going! 


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