A Creative Outlet

Disclaimer: The daisy helmet is a Google Image graphic. I have not gone 'over the edge'—yet. Another symptom of ataxia is diminished fine motor control. Once I had excellent penmanship, now I can barely write*. Fortunately, I retired from nursing before the loss of fine motor movement began to noticeably manifest. I was never a good keyboarder but, since word processing takes so long now, it's helpful to have time and a spell checker. I can't play the piano now, but I never played before, so that was no big loss. My grandchildren print, color, paint, and cut better than I do. "That's OK, Grandma..I'll do it." they say delightedly. I was on the lookout for a creative outlet that didn't make me look bad or threaten my well–being. Painting was out–required talent and good hands. I was never very skilled at gardening and falling in the dirt didn't have much appeal. Everything else seemed to require hand/eye coordination....