The Rain Canopy
I deal with the winter cold by putting on multiple layers of clothing, gloves, and resigning myself to the length of time it takes to get out the door, but what about the rain? I draw the line at fog, ice, wind, and heavy rain--a semi-fair weather scooter; I’m not stupid. I am talking about a threat of rain, a drizzle, or getting caught in a light rain on my daily scoot. This is, after all, the northwest and if I let a threat of rain keep me home, I’d never go anywhere. I have gotten addicted to getting out every day. The solution Earl and I settled on was the rain canopy. If I hadn’t gotten used to looking strange a long time ago, this would have done me in. It may cover my hazard sign and limit my vision, but you can still see my lights and the canopy itself--a mile off! I do incur a new road hazard if the oncoming vehicle’s driver is laughing hysterically at me. "A golf cart? no, too small; a stroller? no, too big. It’s a la...