Batteries and Bladders, Adventure #7

Going down to the library is a (pardon the expression) “no-brainer” scoot--reasonable distance, predictable terrain, no charging issues...a short jaunt. So I confidently take off. Usually, I lose one to two green dots on the second to the last hill going home. It’s a steep hill and I expect significant slowing, but it’s only about two miles, albeit uphill, from the library, and a further mile home. No need to worry about adequate power or need for a bathroom stop. Battery Indicator About a fourth of a mile from the library, the scooter begins to lose green dots in a location I’ve never lost power before. I’m thinking it might be better to take a less steep route home. It’s all uphill, but there is uphill and UPHILL. The less steep route has more traffic, but since I have the time, I’ll just be slow and cautious. My one hour jaunt stretched to two hours. I usually keep a close eye on the charging dial, but since there was no...