It's been an interesting few years and my assistive devices are looking a little sad. As a person with ataxia, I'm always on the lookout to improve my mobility (futile though it may be) . I may try something, but usually and eventually, gravitate back to my old familiar things. "Trade in, trade up" is my customary modus operandi. I have no trouble with a mobile phone, computer, food processor, or a car. In truth, I'm a bit of a 'latest and greatest' junkie. But upgrading my Winnie Walker, tricycle, and Skeeter has been surprisingly problematic. Considering how important they are to my mobility, you wouldn't think it would be an issue. I know I over–personify* and assistive devices are inanimate things, but they've been through so much with me. I'm not known for becoming attached to things, so this attitude was baffling. Switching out the tattered Winnie Walker pouch for a little–used one left at my son's home was an overdue ...