Up in the Night

There are so many things that make having a movement disorder annoying, but two things really stand out. One is having to think about every single component of basic activities when I never did before. Secondly is getting up during the night. Having a pea–sized, rather than camel–sized bladder makes it more complicated with Ataxia. I'm grateful to not be cognitively impaired as I awaken, requiring only a brief period of orientation to get the correct direction. However, it's important to remember where I am. It's either in Lake Oswego with Earl on the left side of the bed, the bathroom is to the right or in Maui where he sleeps on the right and the bathroom is to the left. But, there is one more thing to think about. Thelma, the travel wheelchair, brakes high in the back. Louise, the home wheelchair, brakes low in the front. Which chair awaits*? What would be the consequence of getting it wrong? If facing the wrong direction, I could ...