Life in the Time of COVID: Delegating Christmas 2020

Being in Maui the first couple weeks of December and then going back in early January definitely shortened the holiday season. Given the COVID restrictions, I was prepared for that. What I didn't see coming were all the well-meaning suggestions I received to: "Just forget the holidays this year. With the pandemic and all..." "A big tree is too expensive to bother with for two weeks." "If you have a tree, maybe this might be a good time to get an artificial one or a smaller one." I looked around and responded, "You must be talking to the lady in back of me."* Assured that the comments were indeed intended for me, I thought, "OK it's maybe only a two week Christmas, but it's still two weeks." I needed to separate out what was postponable from what brought me joy. After all, it's not as if this was my first rodeo. I could still plan, make a list, and delegate, delegate, delegate. I had the Christmas routine down. Us...