Purposeful grocery shopping--Adventure #6
Earl and I made a list and there were a few things needed at our local New Seasons market. It was close, making it a good destination for my daily scoot. I could help, so I took one bag that would fit in my basket, one that I could put between my feet and headed off, Earl taking the bigger shopping and more distant destinations. I take my customary route, the market doors open automatically (yes! ADA) , scoot in, prepared for today’s lesson (by now, I know it’s coming) My first observation was a young mother, two boys and one of the toy car/carts that require as much room as a small car, with less turning radius. Now, there’s a challenge! The most I can handle is one of the shopping baskets that fits between my feet. I brought 2 grocery bags from home, but forgot the see-through plastic bags for fruits and vegetables. New Seasons had some stationed throughout the department, within easy reach and I used them with a guilty conscience (it’s Oregon). ...