
Showing posts from September, 2011

We're baa-ack

The new battery has the original zip, I've gone up my most common hills and, thankfully, I haven't had to call for help.  Today was a beautiful Fall day, and well could be one of the last before the serious rain comes.  I was able to see my friends and assure them of my well-being.  I just needed to get my scooting confidence back, so I made a run down to Lake Oswego, bought picture hanging paraphernalia at Rite Aid and scooted home.  A trip to  Home Depot  is next, but I'll wait until Earl's home, in case. Pollyanna Alert!  I never realized how much I enjoy outdoor smells--grass (lawn grass) , impending rain, wood fires, pine trees.  I think that is one of the biggest losses to the housebound person.  Not to say that someone has to get out.  I think back to the days before my mother's death, I thought she needed and wanted to be outside--she didn't.  When I insisted, she'd humor me, ignore my patronizing, and go--b...

Skeeter's Nicer To Me

I like my scooter more than my Wii Fit balance board.  Skeeter doesn’t lecture me when I miss workouts--”too busy to workout yesterday, Tam?”  She doesn’t criticize my balance–“a little shaky, today?” I argue back, “Seriously Wii, ya think?”  She doesn’t remind me that my weight is up, down, whatever...”did you reach your goal, Tam?”   Most importantly, she doesn’t brand me with a Wii fit age.  Even though I intellectually know it’s all computerized and impersonal, I still respond to criticism like a teenager. Once I sit down on Skeeter I can relax, knowing I won’t fall and my body won’t get in my way.  One of the hardest things to get used to is the inability to efficiently get out of my own way.  My feet, boobs, hips... don’t move with a casual sidestep or dodge like they used to.  Movements that I never gave a thought to like getting in and out of a car, opening a refrigerator, door or pantry take forethought and several caref...

Battery Hygiene? Adventure #8

OK, maybe it was me, the heat or the full moon, but Skeeter just wasn’t right.  The battery ran out of power when it shouldn’t, Skeeter was slower than she used to be, the battery discharged alarmingly quickly, and we couldn’t go where I wanted without wearing Depends.  I miss my new friends!  They probably think I’m road kill somewhere.  Three and a half months isn’t very long.  Did I break her?  I tried to be a good mom... So I call the place where we bought her and, in good troubleshooting mode, the sales person asks me if I’m using good battery hygiene .  “Seriously?”  I said.  “Do you mean do I wash the battery (no) or practice safe sex (Hell no) .  Or do you mean do I charge it every night (absolutely) .  My primary concern–was I fully discharging it after every use (not sure, should I?) .   In anticipation of my appointment, I used, then completely discharged, then fully charged for a week.  You’d think...