
Showing posts from March, 2014

What's the point?

Editing a blog can be a tough job and it takes a brave person to do it.  Fortunately, I have someone who is totally immune to my whining, tears, and emotional sensitivity.  You would think putting a daughter in charge of her mother would be fraught with danger.  So far, Heidi and I have been able to utilize her critical skills to improve Scooter Sagas without killing each other.*  I'm fairly, but not completely, directible and hard to offend (in the blogging context) . "What's your point, Mom?" she says with each post draft.  I know that's coming, so I've learned to prepare for it.  Part of my writing routine now includes as a start, The Point.  Having a single issue, the right illustrations or pictures keeps me from a tendency to put more than one focus in a post.  Like life, dealing with a disability is unpredictable; sometimes one idea, sometimes more than one, sometimes nothing.  Having someone who knows you well has its benefits...

The Rest of Winter

I admit it.  We're weather wimps in the Northwest.  We've certainly had it easier than most parts of the country.  We endured significant inconvenience and some cabin fever, but that was it.  I shouldn't complain, but that never stopped me before. Being disabled and retired, I was free to enjoy the snow and not have to get to work.*  There was nowhere I had to be until an important appointment on Friday.  But, it was warming up and melting the unusual heavy snowfall.  Being a temperate climate, snowmelt in the Northwest is ordinarily a fast event. This time, however, the slow thaw was a bigger problem than the snow!  It just wouldn't go away fast enough.  A little background: Our street is a bit of a hurdle.  If you can get up it and out, it's usually free sailing.  I wasn't worried. The driveway was clearing and Earl was making it to work with minimal difficulties (albeit with 4-wheel drive).  He just avoided idiots who dro...