What's the point?

Editing a blog can be a tough job and it takes a brave person to do it. Fortunately, I have someone who is totally immune to my whining, tears, and emotional sensitivity. You would think putting a daughter in charge of her mother would be fraught with danger. So far, Heidi and I have been able to utilize her critical skills to improve Scooter Sagas without killing each other.* I'm fairly, but not completely, directible and hard to offend (in the blogging context) . "What's your point, Mom?" she says with each post draft. I know that's coming, so I've learned to prepare for it. Part of my writing routine now includes as a start, The Point. Having a single issue, the right illustrations or pictures keeps me from a tendency to put more than one focus in a post. Like life, dealing with a disability is unpredictable; sometimes one idea, sometimes more than one, sometimes nothing. Having someone who knows you well has its benefits...