The High School Reunion

The Lake Theater and Cafe For the last year, I had been part of a 10–member committee planning our 50th High school Reunion. Lincoln High in the 60s was the 'downtown' high school and was also the newest, being the 2nd iteration. Fifty+ years later it's falling, like us, into disrepair and is slated for replacement (unlike us) . Lincoln & committee c. 1967 Although I had physical disabilities, I had only minor cognitive decline, related to being 68 rather than my ataxia. The benefit was that I still remembered how to design and use a database—very beneficial with the data collection tasks. Accumulating alumni information over the course of a year insured that I would recognize most classmates. It also gave me an opportunity to catch up in advance of the reunion. The rest of the committee members didn't have that advantage. Incorporating the reunion planning committee as a new group into my 'village'* was an unexpected benefit. It was m...