Just When You Thought It Was Safe...
Back in Lake Oswego, Earl and I were happy to resume our routine. He was driving, walking, biking (a bit different now) and I was scooting on my 'new' Skeeter. I don't think I had realized that there was some deterioration going on. The speed going up hill had declined. There was definitely more zip in the new one. It had been nearly a year since Earl got his new hip*. The bike accident primarily damaged the opposite side, so the hip prosthesis stayed in place. He went in for the one year post–operative visit and was given a clean bill of health by the orthopedic surgeon. I was back to meeting my friend for Sunday coffee**. We catch up on our families, current events, etc. and then I blissfully scoot the mile home, listening to music on my phone. "What's Earl doing today?" she asked. "He's going for his first group bike ride. Yay, Earl. It's been a long uphill recovery." I'm halfway home when...