Minimizing the Holiday

Since our next trip to Maui was planned for New Year's, I thought this was a good year to try a lowkey holiday. For an over–the–top Christmas dictator like me, this was no small deal.* Fortunately for our meager approach to the seasonal spirit, some neighbors have bypassed decorations for trips to a warmer clime, so we were following a trend. Although I do love the season, the idea of dismantling everything quickly, although others do most of the work, just didn't seem reasonable. Under the guise of not wanting to disappoint the grandchildren, I asked for their input as to good ideas for downsizing. I have to confess to some personal resistance to scaling back, but I was up for it. My minimizing proposal #1: No outdoor decorating Grandchild response: But, you have to have outdoor decorating My minimizing proposal #2: No Christmas village this year Grandchild response: But, you have to have your Christmas village My minimizing proposal #3: No tree...